Dr. Trisha Teig

Leadership Development for an Equitable World


Letters of Support, Relationships, and Growth

In this section I have letters written from students, faculty colleagues, and research collaborators to share their experiences in working with me. These are perhaps some of my proudest elements of this portfolio - for they are affirmations of the work I've hoped to achieve in building relationships and centering connections in my teaching, service, and research. 


Imani L.
CWC Leadership Scholar
Bela V.
CWC Leadership Scholar
Ariana E.
CWC Leadership Scholar
Camiya I.
CWC Leadership Scholar

DU Colleagues

Lauren Contreras, PhD
Former CWC Leadership Scholars Program Coordinator, Research Colleague
Linda Olson, PhD
Former Supervisor, Mentor, Colleague
Paul Kosempel, PhD
Leadership Studies Colleague and Co-Instructor 
Chase McNamee
Colleague, WORC Co-Chair

Leadership Research Collaborators & Colleagues

Brittany Devies, PhD
Research collaborator, former student
Kathy Guthrie, PhD
Dissertation chair, Mentor, Scholarly Colleague

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